Qrisq Analytics LLC.

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Forecast: Prior to Landfall

Know what your surge and wind intensity will be well before it makes landfall.

Identify Risk & Make a Plan

Impacts of storm surge from tropical events can be far-reaching and catastrophic along the United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines. Q-risq Analytics utilizes proprietary wind and atmospheric pressure forecasts to drive the Advanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) storm surge model, accurately predicting when, where, and to what extent flooding will inundate coastal communities. This enables property owners and decision makers to identify risk and plan for mitigation and response before the storm makes landfall.

We’ve spent years acquiring a one-of-a-kind database using government collected LiDAR data to determine elevation levels above ground, which is key to determine which properties will see storm surge.

Who can use our forecast technology?


Q-risq Analytics gives homeowners information—whether you are home or not. Our web app is built with homeowners in mind. Q-risq Analytic’s information is specific to each personal address while local weather service broadcasts are generalized for wide areas.


As a hurricane approaches coastal communities, Q-risq Analytics provides necessary information for government and community leaders to consider appropriate measures to safeguard people, equipment, facilities, and supplies.


Q-Risq’s technology can help you connect with the insured before and after the storm. Find out which PIFs will be affected by winds and surge? What were the hardest hit areas for wind and surge? Send alerts and instructions to mitigate damage. Get a headstart and streamline claims processing after landfall.

Information for every address

When received in advance, each address is geocoded with a precise latitude and longitude, entered into our secure client database, and digitally represented on our map viewer.

Properties can be close to each other but assigned different risk levels; our proprietary Storm Surge and Wind Forecasting Model results are layered over high precision ground elevations. Simply put, properties that sit higher will not be as affected by a given amount of water.

With each National Hurricane Center advisory update, every address is reassessed to determine individual risk based on its forecasted flood depth and maximum wind speed. Ensemble forecasting provides for different storm track scenarios. Once processed against geocoded properties, exposure is assessed, and property owners are alerted to potential dangers.


Our Services

Knowledge is power. Know what to expect before a storm makes landfall; afterward, understand the impact of winds and storm surge with data from Q-risq Analytics.

Track Storm Activity

Stay current on storm activity with the National Hurricane Center’s up-to-date weather information for tropical storms and hurricanes.

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