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Impacts of storm surge from tropical events can be far-reaching and catastrophic along the United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines.
Q-risq Analytics utilizes proprietary wind and atmospheric pressure forecasts to drive the Advanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) storm surge model, accurately predicting when, where, and to what extent flooding will inundate coastal communities. This enables property owners and decision makers to identify risk and plan for mitigation and response before the storm makes landfall.
Purchase a Post-Storm Impact Report
Our post-storm analysis uses supercomputer processing and over 1,000 water and wind observations to analyze surge levels, maximum wind speed, and direction and duration for each side of the property, giving you the most accurate data available.
Our post-storm analysis for each individual address begins immediately after landfall. Wind direction, speed, and duration for each side (NW, NE, SW, SE) of property is detailed on a time series graph, along with above-ground surge levels and cumulative rainfall.